Apple's 2013 future Options

Option 1) Apple Launches new versions of the existing product range without offering any substantial innovation beyond faster and more compact. Evolutionary tweaks to the product ranges software offer concrete improvements to software stability and usability, but again no killer new features.

New Apple Display (gorgeous flat aluminium industrial design)

  • After the launch of the new iMac design we expect the Apple Thunderbolt Display to be included in that new gorgeous design. The design will likely further test new production processes that could be precursors to any Apple Television.

iPad Mini (with Retina display)

  • A sharper screen for the iPad Mini is almost guaranteed
  • Spec bumps and other improvements will be limited to keep the costs low
  • Don't expect any changes in price

iPad Full Fat

  • leveraging the new production processes from the iPad Mini the Full fat iPad will have the same thinner edged bezel
  • Spec bumps and other improvements will be limited
Legacy Macbook Pro ranges retired

  • We may see the death of the legacy Macbook Pro range. The availability of the Macbook Pro without Retina display is a price issue, not because it retains the CD Drive.
  • Expect to see price drops on the new Macbook Pro with Retina displays to align closer to the legacy range (not matching entirely)

iPhone 5s

  • Spec bumps and other improvements will be limited
  • Design will remain the same as the iPhone 5

Option 2) Apple carries out Option 1 (i believe this is already happening) but adds one more thing in the form of new hardware and matching software. This hardware may be integrated into existing product ranges or be separated

The Apple Television / Apple Vision

  • Separate from the Apple TV puck the Apple Vision will redefine content consumption and voice search capabilities
  • Family / multiple person oriented
  • Leveraging the iOS platform but using a new interface with an enhanced Siri at its heart
  • Remote multi-touch enabled – allowing for multi-touch gestured to be used without touching the surface of the screen
  • Screen sizes 42” and 47”

iPad / iPhone / iTouch with Haptic Feedback integration
  • Off the back of last year’s Senseg rumours, the ability to offer a virtual textured surface is the wholly grail of touch enabled devices

Option 3) Apple launches new versions of the existing product range with spec. bumps to the hardware but a evolutionary jump in software design (we expect Jonny Ive to do more than just redesign individual apps, but actually look at the end to end iOS design)

iOS 7
  • The home button is enhanced by fingerprint recognition – removing the need to slide to unlock
  • Siri is placed at the heart of the OS, removing the need to hold down the home button to activate it
  • The UI design is updated and refreshed through integration


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